Why choose Emerald City Rabbitry? Out of all the Holland Lop breeders out there, what sets us apart? Well, there are a few distinguishable features... keep reading to find out.

Perhaps one of our most defining points is our strong belief in the philosophy, quality over quantity.
You have probably noticed how few breeding adults we own, and how sparsely we breed for babies... especially compared to other rabbitries.
We are selective with our stock and only buy from the best, reputable breeders of pedigreed Holland Lops from around North America (yes, that includes Canada, too!).
We only have, on average, three adult breeding bunnies at any given moment. This gives us time to form a bond and treat the adults as house pets over just working animals. Our mamas fully trust us to help them prepare, birth, and care for their young ones.

From the moment any baby is born, all it ever knows with us is love and comfort through human hands. We have a thorough socializing process blog post if you would like to learn more!
This includes not only holding them and playing with them everyday, but also desensitizing from common fears like household noises, crowds of people, or other animals. By the time the babies are weaned and ready to be rehomed, they seamlessly adapt to their new owners' lifestyle!
All of our bunnies live out a luxurious life in their own "bunny condos". These are spacious, 20+ ft² open-top enclosures! These cages have solid, easy to clean vinyl flooring, and wire mesh sides so the bunnies can see their fluffy neighbors.
In each pen, we have a litter box, water bowl, food station (including foraging mat and veggie bowl), ample hay supply, bed / hidey house, tunnel, and maximum enrichment toys. And of course, we can't have a bunny room without blankets - we give our pets plenty to snuggle with.
Our rabbit care is always particular and precise. Each bunny is given breakfast at around 7 a.m., and fed dinner around 8 p.m. We are diligent at sticking to this feeding schedule that doesn't upset their tummies.
On a daily basis, water is replaced/freshened, hay is restocked, vacuuming/spot cleaning is done. Litter boxes are changed every week, during our "deep cleans" (which includes flooring scrubbed, blankets washed, etc.).
We also let our bunnies outside in supervised playpens, weather permitting every late afternoon for about an hour.
Snuggles take place anytime and all the time, but we often end up cuddling with a bunny during our own down time.
When the babies are little, we'll even carry them around in our pockets while we go about the daily chores. Anything to keep them used to being with humans, since it's constant upkeep!!
When we [rarely] travel, we ensure the 'bunny nanny' is prepared to maintain the above.

Our animals have a way of bringing the neighborhood together. Through 'bunny snuggle sessions ' and impromptu educational lessons, we have sparked joy and educated individuals on proper rabbit care.
We've been able to support locals with part-time jobs in cleaning and assisted care in our beautiful bunnies. What a wonderful way to engage the local community.

Most breeders consider each rabbit they produce as a 'transaction', and forget about it's well-being once it is picked up! That's most definitely not the case for us, as tens of past buyers will attest to!
I remember the name, personality, and coloring of every past baby. Seriously. We're dating back years, but each baby bunny truly does have a spot in my heart.
I make a point to text or email each owner on the bunny birthday, as well as answer all questions promptly related to health/temperament/etc.
In our sales policy, we offer to take back the bunny shall your life change unexpectedly.
We even assist with rescues in urgent situations. We are more than a breeder. So much more.
As you can tell, we take the wellbeing of our bunnies very seriously - this includes factors like health, temperament, cleanliness, and more!
Refer to our blog post on socialization to read more about how we interact with our bunnies to help them be as people-friendly as possible!