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Body Language


Wondering if your bunny is happy? Getting to know your pet can help build trust and strengthen bonds. Read through this list to better educate yourself on what to expect!

Binkying - A 'binky' is a twisty jump in mid-air! It is very entertaining to watch and often means your rabbit is happy and excited.

Flopping - When your bunny flops, they are usually feeling relaxed and comfortable.

Licking - If your bunny gives you kisses, it means they love and trust you! Your pet is treating you like another bunny, and affectionately grooming you is a sign you have officially bonded.

Nudging - When your rabbit nudges you, they are either asking you to move, or they simply want attention. This can be followed by a nip, so watch out!

Mounting - Unaltered bunnies often hump when they are feeling hormonal, and neutering almost always fixes this issue. Bunnies of the same gender may also mount each other as a sign of dominance.

Thumping - Thumping usually expresses irritation or anger. It can also be a way that your rabbit is begging for attention.

Circling - Sometimes bunnies circle feet when they are eager to breed or want to be cuddled.

Chinning - Rabbits have a scent gland under their chin that gives off an aroma too weak for humans to smell. They are essentially marking their territory when rubbing their chin against things. If they chin you, they are saying "you're mine"!

Teeth Clicking - Similar to cats, rabbits can make a purring noise by clicking their teeth. This is showing they are content and calm!

Teeth Grinding - Opposite of tooth clicking, tooth grinding normally means your rabbit is in pain and should see a veterinarian. It is typically a slower grinding, accompanied by your rabbit being hunched over with its eyes closed.

Lunging / Growling - Normally, lunging and growling are for territorial reasons, and can be followed by nipping. Avoid reaching your hand in their cage suddenly, as this can startle your bunny!

Nipping - Sometimes nipping is mistaken for biting; this usually means your rabbit wants you out of their way, or a warning sign if they don't like what you're doing.

Biting - If your rabbit breaks your skin with its teeth and you begin to bleed, this is a bite. Watch their body language and avoid frightening them in any way to prevent this from happening again.




xo Skye


©2020-2025 Emerald City Rabbitry

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